Tasio Blog

Learn how to use your association’s data to make a bigger impact for good

Actionable, timely blog posts that give you strategies you can use right now to gather better data and use it to retain members, streamline operations, and break down silos.
Unintentional Cancelations: The Easiest Way to Increase Retention

Let me tell you about one of the most surprising findings I made last year. One of the most common reasons people drop their memberships is because they . . . just kind of…

Make 2022 the Year of Member Retention

I spent the last year speaking with as many Association professionals as I possibly could. I ended up having hundreds of conversations, every one of them enlightening. But one message jumped out from those…

Information Gold Mine: The Ultimate Guide to Using Association Data the Right Way

You’re probably sitting on a goldmine of data and don’t even realize it. In fact, now more than ever, associations are collecting mountains of data but don’t have a data strategy to actively drive…

Better Association Events with Predictive Analytics

When it comes to holding an association event, there are a lot of things you don’t want to leave to chance. From your keynote speakers to the flow of traffic, predictive analytics can give…

You Need More than Good Data to Make Good Decisions

Getting good information is more than about static numbers that tell you what is happening in your association. Association leaders that are really focused on growth will tell you that the ultimate goal of…

Data Democratization: Why Your Association Needs It

Most of your staff isn’t trained to handle the mountains of data you’re collecting. So we usually rely on data analysts and IT teams to make sense of it all and then distribute it…

4 Sign It's Time to Outsource Your Association's Data Analytics

Your association is collecting more data than ever as organizations race to keep up with member expectations and digital transformation initiatives. This data contains the insights you need to grow and differentiate your organization.…

Taking Control of Your Association's Third-Party Data

We spend a lot of time talking with association leaders about their data quality. Even though there seems to be no end of information that you can gather about your association membership, a big…

Member Success: Association Members are Happier with Tailored Member Journeys

Being an association member should never feel like buying a t-shirt or cup of coffee. Great associations are able to really listen to their members and use that feedback to build their communities. This…

Thomas Altman and Dray McFarlane of Tasio Featured on Mary Byers Successful Associations Podcast

On January 27th, Thomas Altman and Dray McFarlane, co-founders of Tasio, were featured on the Mary Byers Successful Associations Today podcast. Their topic was “How AI Can Increase Membership,” and included some great information…

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Information Gold Mine: The Ultimate Guide to Using Association Data the Right Way You Need More than Good Data to Make Good Decisions Thomas Altman and Dray McFarlane of Tasio Featured on Mary Byers Successful Associations Podcast Member Success: Association Members are Happier with Tailored Member Journeys


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